Old Jacket with New Scarf and Accessories
Scarves Scarves and more Scarves...
Button Bags of Gold Buttons
Pins with doodads
Didn't Finish the Blouse before work, so I had to Improvise
I had the matching Earrings in, so I made a long Scarf and wore it with my long Black jacket.. Tan Tubins set the outfit off... and Crazy Accessories as usual...
Black Chiffon Flowers made from the Selvage of Chiffon material -sewn in a circle to a piece of tulle and a Gold button in the center....
Under one of the flowers I put this Bee Pin with an old butterfly earring dangler.... Both sort of Antique Gold looking.
The full picture doesn't do the outfit justice.. that striped silk was smashing... Now I have a pair of Reddish Brown Tubins to do to match the draping neck silk blouse, with the stripe on the bias...Instead of the black jacket...maybe a tan one? Tomorrow the suede coat!
I had an antique gold arrowhead velcro strip down my part...
Yes, I did get some positive comments!...Thanks Guys... I work hard at this ART?...haha
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