I have not be able to sit down and sew in over three months... I am making up for lost time. I stopped in at work three times now. First in my walker on the way home from the 1st doctor recheck.... Then I went by again.... and I stopped yesterday on a busy busy Sat. and I walked around the store without my walker or a cane.... I even tried working for about 15 minutes or a half hour, but I felt it right away..
No BLT.... Bending Lifting or Twisting. Well, that didn't work. Five minutes on the button wall, and that was all they wanted.... Bend in the glass cabinet to look at some trim..... Lift the boxes out of the wall or twist around and get that special button... HEY I know when to cut my losses.... So I left.
Now I really wanted to go today, but... I decided to wash all the baby materials and makes some things...
I already made a billow for one of the grand daughters....
Instructions on Billows... <---
I have done three, but I did an all nighter the other night when I was so excited about sitting down.
Soooooo I finished that and it is soooooooo soft...
So I prepared last night to lay out some of the baby things to have for next weeks baby shower....
Yep, I am so excited... another baby grand daughter..... PINK PINK PINK
Of course, it will have a Kitty face embroidered on it with burp drool and tinkle on each piece of the set. I will have to finish this tonight...
I didn't take the last set of pictures.... but the changing pad had a large crown machine embroidered in the center, and the big I put a piece of elastic to hold it on accross the top, lace on the bottom and
hand cross-stitched princess accross the bottom.
I thought it was useful and cute enough.
I made a red minky changing pad or floor throw, and a little dollie for babys first doll that had a hand embroidered face and hair with a smile and sleeping eyes, for babys sleeping dolly.
I had a pair of Mary Jane Shoes on the list..... This picture is not very good... I finished one and now I am going to finish the other... I think they are darling... The fabric is a kind of faux pleather... shiny platinum almost gold looking and I added black ties and lots of lace!....
So the shoes I am doing right now are the middle ones with the lace, only the ties are black.
This is Simplicity Pattern 1710.
I am currently hand lining these with some soft black single sided minky.
I am going to do the Kitty ones to go with the Burp Drool and tinkle set and a Diaper cover with
a kitty accross the back end....
I added opalescent sequens on the the edge of the top of the bootie. I made sure all was soft to the feel. I am going to line the inside with some white flannel.
I am just going wild... I have a sock monkey quilt partly sewn...
The quilt backing is super soft tooo and more Sock Monkeys... plus a Sock Monkeys Have Issues book and a baby and full size Sock Monkey................... Okay, I thought I was gonna die! Pardon ME...
and I made some monkey booties, If I can just find where I put one of them.....YIKES... Okay, I am a mess...
I have so many things on my list of todos...
I washed the pink minky to make a pink boppy with blue pedals on it.......
and and and... I have to make some little snap onsies..... and some baby wraps..... on and on....
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